Below are a selection of unsolicited comments we have received from graduates of the Kingdom Of Fife Group IAM road safety course:

I.A.M Testimonial
“So you think you are a good rider? I did. I had been riding for over twenty years, never had an accident. Okay, I had gone into the occasional corner too quickly, mis-timed an overtake or two perhaps, but we all do that, don’t we? What could I gain from doing some advanced rider training? Besides, I enjoyed my riding. I didn’t want to be restricted by a set of rules, numerous ‘thou shalt’ or ‘shalt nots’! A couple of my riding mates had undertaken their I.A.M Roadsmart training and waxed lyrical about it, but it wasn’t for me. That all changed however when I decided to become a volunteer Blood Bike rider. The prerequisite was an advanced riding qualification!

And so the journey began. It was straight forward to find a local I.A.M group, simply by visiting their website ( Soon I had signed up as an Associate (trainee) and was heading to a mutually convenient location nearby to meet my Observer (trainer). Immediately put at ease by his knowledge and passion for all things I.A.M, we were soon off on my first ‘observed ride’. Stopping frequently for a chat, guidance and suggestions as to how I could improve my riding, I soon began to ‘warm’ to this advanced training. I even found myself putting in self study time at home, and when out on solo rides, putting into practice my new found skills.

Each ‘observed ride’ culminated in finding a coffee shop where my observer would talk me through my ride that day, highlight my strengths and weaknesses and how I could ‘polish’ my riding ahead of my mock test and final assessment. I.A.M Roadsmart is about so much more than just a qualification though. There is the social side, group rideouts, events and more besides. Ultimately it is about promoting road safety. Your safety and the safety of other road users. So, would I recommend undertaking advanced rider training with I.A.M Roadsmart? Absolutely! I am now a much more confident and safer rider and enjoy my motorcycling far more now than ever before.

So you think you are a good rider? Go on then, sign up to an advanced riding course with I.A.M Roadsmart. I guarantee you that even a good rider will become an even better one.”


“Successful completion of the advanced course allowed me to develop confidence not only in myself but in my bikes capabilities. My observer (Jim) was fantastic, he teaching method instilled a relaxed, clear and at times humorous approach to learning new skills week on week”


“Since starting my journey to become an advanced rider, I feel in the short time already I have learned so much, I always thought of myself as a confident and good rider however I have since realised that hasn’t always been the case and my arrogance was leading me to believe these things. By using the correct system and following some basic rules I have felt my riding slowly getting better which comes with added confidence all on its on. Being followed by an observer for the first time was nervous as you want to impress and don’t want any negative feedback, but it’s the negative feedback that makes you a better rider. Time, effort, and patience is key to the learning process, and I look forward to the journey ahead.”


“Having read about another biking death in Scotland I decided to search on how I could progress my riding skills to be as safe as I could be. I had heard about the IAM and after a couple of online searches I came across the IAM Roadsmart site which had all the information I needed to start the journey. A couple of emails later I was put in touch with my local group – Kingdom of Fife. After making contact with them and after a free taster session my application to join was made.

My first meeting with other group members was actually a slow riding day which was both informative and fun. I knew then I had made the right choice and looked forward to my first instruction.

I was allocated an observer who was able to carry out the instruction at a time that suited me and we made arrangements to meet. I must admit I was a bit apprehensive but Tony soon put me at ease. My riding wasn’t bad but Tony was able to give advice on how to change little things that made a big difference. I would practise these  on my ride outs between lessons and soon my riding just felt better. I was more observant and smoother and with that my confidence grew. It has certainly changed my riding style for the better and passing my advanced test with a first gave me a great sense of achievement, probably as much if not more that when I first passed my motorbike driving test.

I feel this is not the end of the journey but just the beginning. I aim to improve further and be an active member of the group and possibly help others to advance their skills. Things that improve rider safety on Scottish roads and make learning fun must surely be worth a try.”


” It is said that everyday is a school day and so it was when I embarked on my Advance Bike Course.
Having been an advanced blue light fire appliance and response car driver for a number a years, there was more to upgrading my motorbike riding skills and, more so my confidence on two wheels that I first imagined.
But under the experienced guidance of my Observer (Tony) we developed a good rapport and, over an occasional coffee and open discussions, developed my biking abilities and awareness to meet the required levels of competence.
This was aided by taking onboard feedback and taking every possible opportunity to get out on the bike myself during the period of my training.
It turned out to be a thoroughly enjoyable and extremely beneficial course, made all the better with the support and mentorship of my Observer”.
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